Mani's Bakery


Seeing Stars: Where the Stars Shop

519 S. Fairfax Avenue,
Los Angeles, CA. / (323) 938-8800

So where do health-conscious stars go to buy their low-fat muffins? To Mäni's Bakery, on Fairfax Avenue.

Marilu Henner says Mäni's is "one of the hottest places in Los Angeles," with celebrity customers who include Helen Hunt, Claude Van Damme, Sharon Stone, Jodie Foster, Faye Dunaway, Danny DeVito, Woody Harrelson, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dwight Yokum, Michelle Pfeiffer, k.d. lang, Ed McMahon, Roseanne, Tim Burton, Jamie Lee Curtis and Marilu herself.

It all started when her friend from "Taxi," Danny DeVito (star of "Taxi," "Ruthless People," "Romancing the Stone," "Batman Returns," and "Twins"), needed donuts for his 1991 movie "Other People's Money," in which Danny's character munched Dunkin' Donuts throughout the film. But DeVito doesn't eat junk food. So he called up Mäni's Bakery and asked if Mäni could make special donuts for him with no sugar, no fat, no dairy products - and they couldn't be fried!


Somehow, Mäni (who used to be the personal chef of Michael Jackson) came up with something that resembled and tasted like a donut, which he called a "faux-nut." Word spread among the Hollywood community, and he's now famous for his low-fat, sugar-free (but not fat-free) muffins, pies, and other goodies. Says Mäni: "Danny sort of turned the world onto us; he's like our guardian angel, our mascot. We're very grateful to him."


Mani's also created several edible props (cupcakes, etc.) for those popular "Got Milk?" commercials.

Getting there: Mäni's Bakery is located in a small storefront on the west side of Fairfax Avenue, between Wilshire Boulevard and Farmers Market.

[For more information on this subject, you can access Mäni's official website online at :]

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